Transportation Method
Need directions? Use the map and expand the options below to find the best way to reach us.
Need directions? Use the map and expand the options below to find the best way to reach us.
FromSaphan Taksin Pier, take theFREE shuttle boatdown the Chao Phraya River to Asiatique. After arriving, walk towards Charoenkrung Road for about 7 minutes (approximately 275 meters), then turn right and continue for another 5 minutes to reach The Charoen AArt.
(Parking costs apply). You can park in Zone 2 of Asiatique, near the Charoenkrung 74/3 alley. From there, it's just a 5-minute walk to The Charoen AArt.
Use bus numbers 1, 15, 17, 22, or 75. Get off near The Charoen AArt and follow the signs to the venue.
Take the BRT and get off at the Thanon Tok intersection. You can then take a bus or a taxi directly to The Charoen AArt.
The Charoen AArt is located between Charoenkrung 76/1 and 76/2, opposite the 7-11 on Charoenkrung Road. Use the address: “2250/16 ถนนเจริญกรุง บางคอแหลม กทม 10120 | อาคารตั้งอยู่ระหว่างซอยเจริญกรุง 76/1 - 76/2 ตรงข้าม 7-11 บน ถนนเจริญกรุง”for taxi directions.
Our regular hours are Tuesday – Sunday, 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Hours may change without prior notice due to exhibitions, installations, or creative projects. Before visiting, please check our website, follow us on social media, or call +66 87 823 5010.